Purchasing guide for aerial lifts

Purchasing guide for aerial lifts

Aerial lifts are versatile in nature for hard-to-reach sites and use for handling equipment at heights. These aerial lifts have incredible benefits as compared to a standard forklift. Depending upon the type of boom and capacity, you can carry cargo, tools and workers with the help of aerial lifts. Some booms allow straight movement, such as telescopic boom, while others will enable you to move over obstacles and areas of the job. Moreover, articulating boom lifts and some others come with stabilizing legs which helps in giving security and safety at construction sites, both for the operator and employees standing below. You can also visit the website for information about the tow behind man lift.


The diversity of aerial lifts can describe their importance. You might have seen these in warehouses to store the products or goods on shelves or higher places. Manufacturing and construction companies consider the aerial lift an essential machine in their fleet. Another important use of aerial lifts is in emergencies; the emergency crew use the basket, also known as a platform, to reach the area of the problem. Before buying, there are some questions or factors that you should keep in mind before searching for an aerial lift. These are:

  1. Are you working outdoors or indoors?
  2. What is your horizontal reach?
  3. What is your weight capacity?
  4. What is your working height?

If you have found out the answers to these questions, it will be easy for you to determine which type of aerial lift you need.

Cost of aerial lift

The price of the aerial lift also depends on some factors. For instance, the weight you need to elevate from the aerial lift, how far you want the height of the aerial lift, and most important the type of engine to power it. The kind of engine will tell you the usage of the aerial lift, indoors or outdoors. The price may fall between $4000 to $90000 for these aerial lifts. If you take proper care of the lift, it will work for several years without any issues. It will not be a bad option if you purchase a used aerial lift. Check the records of maintenance and hours of operation. Then you can compare the hours against its age, which will tell you how much it has been used in a lifetime.


After determining the kind of lift you want to purchase and how much your budget is, you can start the further process of purchasing. Some people choose the financial institution which has experience in lending equipment. Their industry and equipment knowledge helps you make the right decision too. A good dealer will help you make a payment plan within your budget. You can provide information about you and your company to the dealer. Doing this will help you escape many problems you can face because of a lack of knowledge and experience. Various online websites provide such services for aerial lifts. You can visit those too before making the right choice for your job site.